Research Papers of Singapore University Of Technology

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What did consultant Dr. Zafar Mirza say to the public after his research in Singapore?

A university in Singapore has predicted that the coronavirus will be eradicated in June this year. Prime Minister’s Health Adviser Zafar Mirza told the public on the day the results of the study came out. Not only was this good news, but people were eager to hear it, but is it really true? To find out, you have to analyze the data. The Singapore University of Technology and Design has surveyed all the countries affected by the epidemic. Pakistan is also a part of it. The “Susceptible Infected Record” (SRR) model was created to assess the extent of the spread of the epidemic. According to research, 90% of the coronavirus will be eradicated from the world by June, the time of eradication of the virus varies slightly in certain countries, and varies from a few days to a few months. According to research, the virus will be completely eradicated from the world by December 2020. I wish it were all that easy, but it’s not.

The Good News For Which The People Were Anxious Was Heard.

Apparently, this research suggests that people may have recovered from the virus. They will not show symptoms again, and so such people may be issued a “risk-free” or “immunity passport” certificate, which some governments have suggested so that people can work. It could be sent for work. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no evidence that people who have recovered from the virus and who have antibodies to the virus will not be infected a second time. Also, the study did not examine the precautions and behavior of the population to prevent a second wave of the virus from occurring. The Japanese island of Hokkaido is a clear example. At first, a severe lockdown was imposed on the island, which almost wiped out the coronavirus, but as soon as the island was reopened, a second wave of the virus attacked, forcing the island to lockdown again.

The Coronavirus Has Shocked The Whole World

The European country of Germany, on the other hand, is carefully considering the option of reopening the country, and Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that this is something we have worked so hard to achieve. You can’t gamble to waste it, because there is a risk of a bigger blow. Germany is one of the few countries where exemplary measures have been taken to deal with the epidemic, and the WHO has praised Germany’s efforts. Jonas Schmidt-Schneist, an epidemiologist in Germany, suggested that instead of opening the whole country at once, the results should be seen by ending the phased lockdown. China and South Korea are two countries that were initially infected, but now there are more cases of people being infected with the virus. A second wave has also hit Singapore. The heat wave is being cited as one of the factors that can kill the coronavirus, but there is no evidence of that.

Scientists are trying their best to understand this; many things are still unknown.

Until the whole thing is known, the only speculation can be made. Professor Chris Whitty, the British government’s chief medical officer, has called for a social distance at least by the end of the year. Graeme Codrington, a future affairs expert and strategy consultant in South Africa, says the social distance movement could last at least until the middle of next year. People out of homes, schools, or offices are 75 percent less likely to have contact, researchers say. This means that life is not likely to return to normal soon. Therefore, the world will need a vaccine for the coronavirus before normalcy is restored. People are waiting to see when the vaccine will be ready.

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