How is Albert Einstein’s brain different?

2 min


Allah will say, ask my servants I want to give. The servants will say, what shall we ask? Everything is found, Allah will say, do not ask. The servants will say, “Be pleased.” Allah will say, I have already agreed. If you are pleased, then you have been seated in heaven. Otherwise, it would have been a severe punishment for you people. I’m pleased, so you’ve got people sitting here. The servants will say, shall we ask? So they will start asking, and they will get tired of demanding. What is our brain? It works four percent, 95 percent sleep. According to a study, Einstein’s brain was checked, which was working 11.2%. The rest of it was also asleep. In heaven, Almighty Allah will open the mind. The whole brain and the human mind are so big that if it was made of wire, now walk from the pearl mosque to the moon for two hundred and forty thousand, and by the moon, you come back and come back human. The wire of the brain is so long that it will not end. There are millions of kilometers of brain wire, and the computer is hidden within its pinpoint. It is thankful that the brain is asleep, if it starts to move, how far it will work. If everyone is awake, then they will start to fight the devil. It’s all woken up, and all the computer software on every computer is gone.

Now with this whole system, it asks, And the man says that Allah is enough for me and cannot ask. So God says, ask for more, you just ask for a little. He starts asking again, and after asking with all his might, he says, “Allah is all I need.” Allah says and ask and ask.

So man will start asking others, what did you ask for, what did you ask for? Then I will say to Allah that Allah has settled me. Or do you just swear by Allah, your honor? We cannot ask for more, then Allah will say, I told my servants, that you ask for my glory, you have not even asked for your glory yet. My glory has not started yet. But well, let’s ask what you asked for, what you didn’t ask for, you guys. This is the glory of Allah. The highest verse for the people of Paradise is that of the Qur’an, “Whoever wills will find it, then wherever your desires end, there will be the giving and the system of your Lord.” This is the most advanced verse. The awful verse for the dwellers of hell is the Qur’an, which will scare them. “Taste this torment will increase; this punishment will increase; the punishment will increase.”

Today, my brothers, this is a form of success, which we have told you in detail today in the words of Tariq Jamil Sahib. For those who are fasting, they have the highest statement, so Tariq Jameel Sahib said that even if you feel hungry, you also feel thirsty. What is becoming home, what are the wedding systems from the girls of Paradise, show the finger to such beautiful girls, then do not see the sun. Spit in the sea, and then the sea becomes sweeter than honey.

Sixty years after the death of Albert Einstein, the world’s smartest man in science, his brain slices were put on display.

The presence of Einstein’s brain slices is a huge attraction for the public, April 18, 1955, at the Mutter MUSEUM in Philadelphia, US state of Pennsylvania. Einstein died at Princeton Hospital in New Jersey, United States when a pathologist named Thomas Harvey removed Einstein’s brain from his head and saved his slices.

Albert Einstein advised his biographer to burn his body after death so that people would not become priests of his grave and bones. But at a secret ceremony, the body of a scientist was taken to the shore of the river Delour to discover that the body and the eyes were missing.

The idea is that Thomas Harvey made the slices of the brain and sent it to the famous neuropathologists to study the brains of this world’s most intelligent man. In 2011, the Mater Museum received a box containing slices of Gray Matter from the scientist’s brain. There are a total of 46 slides that have been placed in the museum for public observation.

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