Facebooking or Hiding Depression?

1 min



This century undoubtedly marks the era of immense technological advancement and break through in social networking. And when it comes to Facebook; it has turned the whole generation into some kind of maniac that are totally and utterly dependant upon it. This is an alarming situation because too much of anything is harmful; always.
So in order to look deeper into the reason that why Facebook is so popular among the internet users, a team of Polish psychologists conducted a observational research consisting a few hundred participants from different age groups. As a result of the investigation it was found out that the time spent daily on the internet was positively related to Facebook dependency which in turn was directly proportional to depression and loneliness.
The reports further explained that Facebook provides an excellent cover for shy and socially awkward individuals who find it hard to cope up with meeting new people and socializing. So these introverts use Facebook to form virtual friendships and seek relationships without any kind of intimacy as experienced in real life. This works as a coping mechanism instilling a false sense of being connected eventually causing them to warp their imagination of the world around them.
The sad thing is this ultimate dependency on Facebook when it comes to socializing mostly puts its avid users at risk. When evaluated it was revealed that people that hide behind Facebook are the most vulnerable when it comes to being emotionally mocked or ridiculed. They lack the skills for handling a crises in real life situations which prones them to feel inferior and ashamed of themselves.

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